US-UK Fulbright Artist Fellow, University of Liverpool
Untold Stories: Liverpool crafts a social history of each deindustrialized Midwest city where the exhibit occurs. As a 2021-22 US-UK Fulbright Artist Fellow at the University of Liverpool, I investigated relationships between these cities and those in the Industrial North of England through a photographic and video narrative project that included stories from noted American and British authors, scholars and activists.
This was an exhibition of prints that included a co-produced community engagement storytelling project with the Redbrick Writers. The Redbrick Writers wrote stories and poems in dialogue with select work from my Untold Stories exhibitions. We produced a book of my imagery and their poems and a video recording of them reading their works.

Symposium Panelist at Across the Pond
‘Communities, Storytelling, and Cultural Institutions’
Organizers: US-UK Fulbright Commission, London
Zoom Webinar
July 20, 2021
Communities, Storytelling and Cultural Institutions explored the role of cultural institutions – such as museums, art galleries and libraries – in wider society. People of all walks of life visit cultural institutions as part of everyday leisure activities, to appreciate and experience cultural artifacts. But digging deeper, what role do they have on shaping society itself?
What is their effect on communities, and how do they help keep citizens engaged in the conservation of culture and heritage? How would society change if cultural institutions disappeared completely?
Jennifer conversed with Dr. Alison Eardley, senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Westminster. Alison is a Fulbright scholar at the Smithsonian’s Anacostia Community Museum exploring place-identity, belonging, memory, and the relationship between the museum and its local communities.
Dr. Louise Siddons, an art history professor at Oklahoma State University and the British Library Eccles Centre Scholar Fulbright Awardee, moderated the discussion.

Liverpool, 2022
42” x 88”
Archival Photographic Intervention Pigment Print on Paper

Cleveland to Liverpool, 2020
84” x 84”
Archival Photographic Intervention Pigment Print on Paper
Liverpool to Youngstown, 2021
36” x 48”
Archival Photographic Intervention Pigment Print on Paper